Hey there! It is said that to have another language, is to possess another soul
So yeah, today's blog is about Languages and how being multilingual is beneficial
Language - What is that?
A language is a structured system of communication. Language, in a broader sense, is the method of communication that involves the use of – particularly human – languages. As of today, there are said to be a total of 7,117 languages being spoken in the world. The scientific study of language is called "Linguistics" and a person who can communicate in more than 2 languages is known as "Multilingual".
Learning multiple languages is extremely rewarding inside and out of business. Regardless of the industry, you work in, learning a second or third language can be extremely beneficial not only for career development but also for your overall well-being. Acquiring another language enables us to develop a variety of mental abilities at all ages. Multilingualism also sharpens the mind, enhances decision-making, increases networking skills, and enhances the ability to multitask.
Multilingual people can more quickly pick up on the structure of any language and clearly understand how it can be used. Multilingual people tend to be more effective communicators, more exact editors, and more compelling writers because they better understand how languages function, including in their native language.
So now that you know about the benefits of being multilingual, let's also take a look at some interesting facts about multilingualism!
1. Multilingualism is a specifically human feature. Other species generally use only their own communication systems. Interesting exceptions are domesticated animals which learn to understand human instructions like sit, stay, and whoa, as well as apes who have been taught the rudiments of sign language!
2. The use of two or more languages by individuals almost certainly goes back to the very beginnings of humans’ experience of language and in today’s world is a feature of the profile of a majority of the world’s population.
3.This latter fact is unsurprising when we consider the number of human languages in the world. Despite the yearly extinction of languages, estimations of this number typically revolve around 6,000 but dramatically increase as soon as we take into account non-standardized language varieties popularly known as “dialects”.
4. Sometimes you do not even need to have learned a language in order to understand it! “Receptive multilingualism” is a phenomenon that is common among speakers, of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, where mutual understanding is assured by the closeness of the languages in question. Within other language families to the phenomenon of language proximity facilitating understanding is fairly widespread.
5. Very often, everyday communication and language-based reflection depend largely on neither one single language nor a person’s entire language repertoire. Instead, small sets of languages (two, three or four), labeled as “Dominant Language Constellations”, provide the principal resources for language use and mainly underlie patterns of language use.
So that was it for today's blog :)
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Thank you Faraz ❤
Interesting blog 🌸
@KevinMonteiro thank you❤
@FahadMushahid LMAO😂😂
Great blog as usual ❤