Hey my lovelies! We’re back to school with the end of spring break 🥲 but to be honest, it’s been on and off lately, with holidays being there every week the past couple of days (Alhamdulillah, man I’m SO GRATEFUL the majority of my Ramadan was spent at home) 🥹 After a much needed break, we’re ALL SET TO ABSOLUTELY CRUSH the quarterly examinations 😎Big thanks to the teachers who regularly took tests and prepared us efficiently for the upcoming exams!
About being back to school, I was kind of really nervous about it, as the weather lately has been HORRIBLE and my sleep schedule, which at least allowed me to sleep in late after Sehri, now demanded that I be up and going at 7 AM 🥴 But not going to lie, my mood totally changed when I got to school. The weather was pleasant, with the morning sun shining brightly. Although we’ve been studying Grade 12 syllabus since February, this was the first day of a new academic session for most of the students! Man, 11th grade for us lasted July-Jan, with 1-2 months out of these being just examinations. Shortest academic session ever. 😭 A lot of new schoolmates and teachers joined us this session, including my Information Technology teacher. Honestly, it was so nice seeing so many new faces with us! Many words of encouragement and positivity were spoken at the Assembly, which really filled me with the much needed energy💪🏻 and optimism. 🥰💗
We started this new session on Wednesday, then came Thursday, after which we got 3 days worth of holidays again, with it being the Good Friday and Holy Saturday, followed by Sunday. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah 🫶🏻
Session has been going very well so far! A little hectic, but definitely very fun. I get low-key emotional thinking this is the last year we’ll be together 😭💔 Makes me want to cherish every moment and soak in every memory I can :)
Alright, that was about the little school life update, now moving on to the second part, how are 2 Ashras of Ramadan over already 😭😭💔💔
Man, it feels like just yesterday we were preparing for Ramadan, and now it’s almost over 🥲Time is flying by like anything, and it really scares me, as Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The Hour will not be established until time passes rapidly, such that a year is like a month, a month is like a week, a week is like a day, a day is like an hour, and an hour is like the flicker of a flame.” I remember seeing an article posted by a group of scientists about how earth is rotating very fast 😭 And it is so scary to actually experience it.
I’m telling y’all, get your lives on track 🥲 Leave everything which serves you no purpose, focus on yourself and start preparing for your Akhirah. We wanna be among the ones who will be given their books in their right hands Insha’Allah, right? So prepare for it accordingly <3
Alhamdulillah, my Ramzan has been going very well 🥰♥️ I’m able to live up to most of my promises, and able to stay away from everything I wanted to restrain from. I hope you’re having a purposeful, smooth Ramadan as well!
Besties, It's the final lap.
As we enter the last third of Ramadan, our time to benefit from its spiritual blessings is coming to an end. These final days are the most blessed of all, and these nights contain the secret of Laylatul-Qadr, the Night of Power. This is the time to step up our efforts, because we don't know when the moment or divine forgiveness will be. This Ramadan is yours. Don't let anyone ruin it for you and don't let anything prevent you from improving.
•If you feel like you have fallen short so far this ramadan don't be depressed. The best 10 nights are coming up. especially the ODD NIGHTS.
• For those who started off well, try to push yourself even more in these last 1o nights.
• Don't look down or degrade the individuals who may have fallen short at the start of the month but for these 10 nights, hope that Insha Allah they end it well.
• Remember actions/deeds are judged by their endings so even if you felt like you haven't done enough at the start then end it in the best manner.
I’m attaching this short but very beneficial Laylatul Qadr checklist, taken from Sania Khiljee @saniasfamily on Instagram 🥰
I hope you guys benefit from it 😇
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See you soon <3
Very nice,and very well written by little angel ☺️💝, may Allah bless you with good health and happiness always, Aameen ya rabbul aalameen