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It's Been Two Years!

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Hey there people! Sorry for not posting for a few months :) Got some interesting stuff incoming tho, so stay tuned, y'all ;) Two years ago on this very same day, I made a website called "TeenSpeak". This wasn't my first time creating a website tho, I've done it earlier in March 2019 and let's say I failed miserably after getting next to none response at my first site, sociama. But things were much different this time, I had some bomb ideas which I wrote on, promoted my site at many different places and got a LOT of positive response within the first few months :) 2 years, 76 blogs, 89 subscribers and members, 1,758 site visitors from 36 different countries later, I can gladly say this site and writing here have without a doubt, been the most fun thing ever. I'm so proud of how many topics I've covered on here, and I swear, I legit remember every damn time someone complimented my site 😭 If you've ever paid a visit, liked a blog, suggested me an idea, dropped a nice comment or showed any bit of interest in my venture, trust me, Ily. Fr. You know how we all have something that fuels each and every one of us in this world? For me, it is TeenSpeak. Since I got started as a blogger back in 2019, I have found such a sense of fulfillment in my own life. I enjoy writing about my passions, what interests me, what interests other people, and sharing it with the world. With each passing day, TeenSpeak gains more followers, and with that, even more success. Was able to post comparatively less this year, but I'm gonna be back with even more stuff, soon :) last year around this time I've just finished my "spooky season" theme which consisted of 5-5 blogs on Urban Legends, CreepyPastas and Serial killers. This year I talked a lot about mental disorders, (oh and talking about that, pwa site is up too!) bizarre real life events, phenomenons etc. 2020 was awesome, 2021 not that great but let's keep our hopes high for 2022! More me, more ideas, more content...


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