Hey there people! So this week's blog is something I've been wanting to post about for a while now. Initially thought I'd make an Instagram post on PeopleWithAnxiety but this topic is just so good that it deserves to be on my blog 💗
As you might have read from the title already, it's on "Failure".
We all know and have experienced failure at some or the other point in our lives. I don't need to tell you what failure is, how it makes one feel etc. We all are familiar with the feeling of failing. So devastating, isn't it? Failing at a test you thought you'd score well? At a presentation you thought you'd completely slay? At a relationship you were sure was gonna last forever? At a business you sure was gonna make you millions of dollars? At a YouTube channel you sure was gonna get you the diamond play button? There are numerous other ways people fail. So many so that I can't even list them all here.
Now usually when a person fails at something, their enthusiasm and self confidence falls greatly. A small percentage of people look at failure as a part of life and don't let it have a big impact on themselves but most people think of failure as the WORST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO THEM. Yes and I'm not exaggerating when I say this. So many people I know, both celebrities and non celebrities, (your girl Shaheera too) have been slapped so hard in the face with failure at so many times in life that it's kinda funny.
You know when I made my first ever website, Sociama, it flopped in the worst way possible. I know, it might not sound like too much to you but 13 year old me was so devastated by it. All my poor naive self could think about was how unfortunate life can be, how much effort can go into vain, just like that.
Though what I did NOT think about that time was, Where did I go wrong? What mistakes did I do which resulted in Sociama failing? What could have I done differently? 3 years later, I have a good reasoning as to why it failed the way it did. No proper planning, no specific theme, no promotion, no consistency, no nothing. I cringe at 13 year old Shaheera for it but hey, when you cringe at your past self and past actions, it's a sign you've progressed, isn't it?
Same happened with my efforts at trying to be a YouTuber. I've probably had like 5 failed attempts at Yt, starting from when I was, I don't know, 9 years old? But again, I'm not blaming my old self for the mistakes she did back then. Her mistakes have shaped her in the girl she is today. When I compare my 3 year old content to my present content, I feel extremely proud at how far I've come :)
My current website, my current blogs, my current YouTube channel are something I'm really really proud of!
Now a failed website or a YouTube channel at the mere age of 9 or 13 is not something too big. The example I'm about to give you now, would introduce you to what could probably be the most incredible way of resistance against failure.
This is a Facebook post from Anudeep Durishetty sir, who's an IAS officer of 2018 batch and secured All India Rank 1 in the UPSC Civil Services Examination 2017. Anudeep sir gave his first ever attempt in 2012 but couldn't make it to IAS worthy rank for the first 4 attempts at the UPSC examination (which is the #2 toughest examination in the world and the #1 toughest exam in India) but made history when he scored the highest marks in UPSC history in his 5th attempt, in 2017. Just imagine! From 2012-17 he kept preparing and failing, preparing and failing, but he didn't give up until he succeeded, and how! Sir literally made history! This goes on to prove, in the wise words of Rich Wilkerson Jr, that "Failure is not final, it's formative. Failure is the fuel for your success. The way that you grow, the way that you advance, you have to fail, in order to succeed!'
The above attached screenshot of Anudeep sir's Facebook post is without a doubt one of the bests texts I've ever read. So wholesome and so motivating for not just UPSC aspirants, but every person who's failed at something significant. To anybody who's failed at anything and are questioning their worth, I'm gonna ask you a question too, How do you think you're gonna grow if you never fail? Every one of a legend's successes are stacked on top of failures! Failure to them always mattered as much as their success! You need to stop looking at failure as the end of your journey. It's the beginning of your success. If you fail once, doesn't mean your chapter is over. Some people fail at something and start calling themselves a failure, No! Failure is an event. It is NEVER a person! Never ever forget this. 💎
I'm gonna end this blog with one of my favorite Japanese proverbs “Nana korobi, ya oki” which means “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” It means choosing to never give up hope, and to always strive for more. It means that your focus isn't on the reality in front of you, but on a greater vision that may not be reality yet.
Keep pushing and becoming your best version, lovelies <333
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